Magnetic Magic Order Information

Most houses require three units for proper operation. Two units placed on the pipe coming into your house and one unit on the pipe leading out from the hot water tank as a booster. This installation is for copper or PVC pipes 1" or less. Larger pipes require more units. The basic rule is one additional unit per inch of pipe.

Total Cost for three units: $179.95 -- less than 20 percent of what a traditional water softening system would cost which is an ongoing expense in energy, time and maintenance.

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or you can pay with Paypal below.

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Please order from our new website. Just click on the credit cards. Thank you!

If you prefer, you can order your system with Paypal

If you need extra units (most don't) because of larger pipes, use the following Paypal link also.

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This page revised Wednesday, March 8, 2004