Yes. It has been analyzed and tested by reputable laboratories and has been classified as non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-carcinogenic, and causing no mutagenic activity within the framework of the Spot Test of Ames, McCann and Yamasaki (the standard).
In layman's terms, this means that to the best of our present day knowledge, no harmful effects will be caused by the use of the Catalyst Altered LS-90 or its derived solutions.
Furthermore, the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tests the water at the manufacturing plant any time it wants to, and without notice beforehand, because it is aware that is consumed by humans and livestock. . . and is in the food chain when used on crops. The FDA has always found it to be harmless. Again, the FDA does not say it is effective for anything – only that it won't hurt anything.
"60 Minutes" also had it tested in their investigation. Again, nothing harmful, so it comes down to whom you believe; independent laboratories, the U.S. Government or the highly acclaimed news program "60 Minutes". They all agree. Using LS-90 is safe.
We've heard for years that those who use LS-90 routinely boost their fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides with it, cutting costs significantly in the process. At one ounce of concentrate per acre, mixed with the liquid fertilizer, weed killer, or whatever else is being applied, plus enough plain water so the sprayer will work efficiently, typically finds the users getting by with much lighter applications of those chemicals.
Cutting them in half is the smallest reduction that users commonly report. Some have gone as far as reducing various chemicals to one-eighth the normal level when using the LS-90 along with state-of-the-art sprayers and application techniques.
It is strongly recommended that heavy fertilizer applications (at least the higher nitrogen types) be reduced by at least half. If not, the plant, stimulated by the LS-90, may take up the nitrogen too rapidly and "burn" the plants' tiny roots. Cutting back by this amount typically does not, according to users, reduce the yield, but not cutting back may indeed "burn" the roots.
Well, that depends on the application. For soil-conditioning, some farmers spray the LS-90 on the bare ground, usually in the fall, as a soil conditioning agent. Normally an ounce of the concentrate per acre is applied along with whatever amount of water it takes to get an even spray action.
LS-90 could and should be used almost anytime and any way. It can be added to the seeds or bulbs, to the soil itself, or used as a foliar spray or even all three depending on the need or expected return.
Of course, applying it by itself means it costs something to apply it. While many would say that would be a good investment, you can effectively apply it at zero application cost if you are already making a trip over the field to apply something else and combine the two trips into one, as most users routinely do to take advantage of the "catalyst" effect of LS-90.
Mix a water-fertilizer solution as you normally would except using only half as much fertilizer in the solution. Add three ounces of LS-90 concentrate per each 50 gallons of water-fertilizer solution.
I suggest a 50 percent reduction in your inputs. Others say a 2/3rds reduction. The "reduce by "2/3" rule is only a general guideline, of course. Each situation is unique. (Cutting back a smaller or larger amount may prove to be even better. Your own experience will be your best guide, long-term.)
Spraying Growing Crops (Foliar Feeding)
Aerial Spraying – Experienced users suggest the LS-90 concentrate in a ratio of ten ounces per 20 gallons of water, then applying two gallons per acre.
Non-Aerial Spraying – Users suggest a mixture of 2-1/2 ounces of LS-90 concentrate per each 25 gallons of water in the sprayer, then spraying this solution at the rate of 10 gallons per acre. (Note: The amount of actual water per acre isn't critical. . . use what it takes to make the spraying equipment work properly. Mix and apply it at the rate of about an ounce of LS-90 concentrate per acre, as in the examples given.)
For Faster And More Complete Germination
Just prior to planting, moistening the seed with a mixture of two ounces of the LS-90 concentrate to one gallon of water – then allow the seed to dry. This is a practice of some experienced users. They report faster and more complete germination, and plants which get ahead and stay ahead. ("Soaking time" is determined by the size of the seeds.)
Another alternative is that the seeds may be placed in the soil and then sprayed very lightly with the same solution. Users report that either treatment results in faster germination and a higher rate of germination. Plants grow faster than those from untreated seed.
a) Add one ounce of concentrate per every 7 1/2 gallons of water/fertilizer solution, but use only half as much fertilizer as normal in that solution. Set meter one to 400; follow normal feeding schedule.
b) Prolong the life of cut flowers by adding diluted concentrate (one ounce concentrate to one gallon of water) to the water in the vase, dipping cut ends in that solution, or spraying flowers and foliage with it. Users relate some almost unbelievable stories of how long cut flowers have lasted when a significant amount of the solution has been added to a vase.
Many users believe that the more adverse the conditions, the more difference the addition of LS-90 will make. We have heard this time and time again. Obviously, there are limits to that principle. If you are raising dry-land wheat in Kansas and you have no moisture from January on, nothing is likely to help. However, in a year that is simply "bad," but not a "total disaster," a great many people would be surprised if the LS-90 treated acreage didn't come out a good deal better than untreated acreage.
We've heard of people "flying on" an ounce per acre, mixed with a couple of gallons of water per acre, under very dry conditions, to try to keep the crop alive until the rains (hopefully) came. Any earlier (that growing season) application of LS-90 should have also been helpful to the plant in dealing with the shortage of moisture.
A farmer in Indiana has been using the LS-90 for several years. Has been able to cut down on all chemicals, but basically still uses conventional practices...not organic. LS-90 helps. He treats seed, side-dresses, sprays foliage too. In drought one year he got 120 bushels of corn per acre when neighbors got 20." (Note: Dr. Willard thinks it works to draw moisture from the air.)
Better, stronger plants, with less fertilizer, under stress conditions.
We have ample evidence from years of actual use under less than desirable growing conditions, that treated plants that withered and turned brown under stress of temperature and lack of water revived when water became available and grew much faster than before. Not true of untreated plants under the same conditions. In another case hundreds of tree seedlings were planted as a shelter belt along a highway. Part of the seedlings were treated with LS-90 and the rest untreated. Shortly after planting, drought conditions set in and killed 100% of the untreated seedlings. Ninety-two percent of the treated seedlings survived."
LS-90 works against late or early frosts
When a freeze comes LS-90 watered plants draw in heat and protect themselves." (Note: Of course that doesn't mean they'd take 15 degree temperatures, for example, but we know that the first frost is often "just cold enough" to do the damage. Often, if a crop could have withstood just a couple degrees lower temperature, for one night, it might then have had from a week to several additional frost-free weeks to mature and produce a greater yield.
LS-90, when added to the seeds, bulbs, soil, or used as a foliar spray acts as a growth conditioner and normalizer. It also produces a stronger, more vigorous and larger root system that penetrates the plowpan in the various fields on which it has been tested.
I think we have presented you with a number of reasons to try LS-90. There is just one more intangible benefit of LS-90 we'd like to call to your attention.
An advantage of LS-90 we'd never thought of was pointed out to us by a farmer friend who is open to new ideas and better techniques, but is sensitive to the opinions of his peers. In his words: "I hate to admit it, but one reason I did have the nerve to try something as unknown as LS-90 was that no one needed to know what I was doing. It wasn't obvious to anyone passing by my fields (except for the outstanding crops!).
"If I use some radical kind of tillage system, or try growing a crop no one else does, everyone sees it, and will give me a hard time if it doesn't work out. . . and I'll feel like a fool. But no one but you, me, God and my wife knew that I used LS-90 that first year. Now I don't care who knows because I know what it does for me; but it was the low profile that let me try it the first time."
Now you know why I think every farmer will eventually use LS-90. With the changes coming out of Congress, you can't help look for every advantage and we hope to help by coordinating information about our products to your advantage. I sincerely hope you will try LS-90 on your own operation and join our testing program. The future is bright. I know it will be good for you.
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