For the past two years I have used LS-90 in the drinking water on the calves I weaned in the fall. We had no difficulty with septicemia or pneumonia in these calves, which, in previous years we always had quite a lot of it.
A couple of years ago we had a bull with foot rot that was so bad that he was unable to be driven home from the pasture. We gave him 20 cc of penstrep and treated his foot with LS-90 once a day for about a week. After a couple of weeks the bull was back in full service and the foot rot never reoccurred.
This fall we had a cow brought in at weaning time with an eye that appeared to be cancer eye. The tissue around the eye was badly infected and had a terrible odor like cancer eyes have, so I decided to use LS-90 on it. The cow was treated several times over a six week period and the tissue healed.
Last spring we treated some baby calves that had scours, with LS-90. These calves all recovered and while we had no proof that it was the LS-90 that cured the scours, we could not help but feel that it helped them.
I personally feel LS-90 has been of great benefit for me the past two months. Equal manure samples were taken from two groups of calves. One group was confined to a lot with no LS-90, the second group receiving LS-90 had access to pasture, ground hay and straw, but all calves received 1/3 oats and 2/3 ear corn which was ground. To myself and D.B., from the samples taken, there appeared to be less hay as well as less corn in the manure from the calves receiving LS-90. We felt they were utilizing their feed much better. We also did check the manure before giving any calves LS-90, so we feel it has done something for this group of calves.
We have a problem with coccidiosis but the two months we have been giving them LS-90, we have not had any trouble Also, like all who run yearlings we do have some water belly problems, but for the past 8 weeks we have not had any The previous month before using LS-90, we had two water bellies and three calves with coccidiosis. Our plans are to continue using LS-90 until the yearlings are placed on summer pasture.
I would like to give you some observations to my experience with LS-90.
In October, 1974, I weaned my calves. The weather conditions were hot and dry. Three days later the calves began to come down with pneumonia. Our vet advised us to vaccinate for Red Nose. Instead we put the calves on LS-90. In four days these calves had quit coughing. Three of the steer calves also had Water Belly and this too cleared up.
At weaning time this past year in November, 1975, three calves had pneumonia very bad, before they were taken of the cows. We immediately put these, plus all the rest of our weaned calves on LS-90 with no other medication. The three sick calves got well and we had no sickness in any of the others. Later we took these calves off the LS-90 for three weeks. The calves were then sprayed for lice. Within 3 days after spraying the calves were coughing and beginning to get sick. We put them back on the LS-90 and within 3 clays they were again well and normal They have been on LS-90 ever since. This year the feed consumption has been about half the normal. On February 2, 1976 started feeding 30% cake with LS-90 added. Within 7 days their droppings were softer and fibers were less in length. On Feb. 12, the cows were much more contented and were licking themselves. On Feb. 16 the hair was beginning to show off and become more curly. Their droppings had become medium soft, light in color with fibers very short. From Feb. 12 they consumed about half the mineral they previously had. We definitely will never wean calves or winter cattle without the help of LS-90.
I am writing this letter to you so that you may know something of the advantages that I feel that I obtained from using LS-90 in my cattle operation.
First of all, in March of '75 we had a very bad storm, as everyone knows, with a terrible loss of cattle and of course calves, were most likely the big loss, not only through the storm but after it was over.
About ten days or two weeks after the storm, about twenty head of young calves came down terrible sick with scours, we treated them with LS-90 by putting a pint of water and a pint of beef bouillon soup, this mixture was put directly into their stomachs, also with a shot of 10 ccs of Formula 105. The results were that no calves were lost.
Also that fall for the first time that I can remember (and I have been in this business since 1914) that we took and weaned a bunch of calves from their mothers and did not have some sick calves due to colds, pneumonia or the many things that seem to occur at this time. We added LS-90 in their drinking water the same day we weaned.
We kept LS-90 in water all winter, it seemed to have a great effect on the amount of feed they consumed. We were able to cut the amount of hay to nearly, without any apparent effect on our calves. Another thing was that these calves were not restless or spooky as they often are on several occasions when we have a bad weather report We have gone out in the night, have honked these calves out of the brakes and called them into the corral using only the pickup and a sack of cake. And as anyone knows, calves are usually spooky with lights. In all honesty... I would have to say I firmly believe that LS-90 is a great asset to our cattle industry.
We started using the LS-90 when we weaned our calves. We put LS-90 in the water. We did not have any sickness and no stress on the cattle.
All the calves seemed to utilize more of their feed. They were on ration of cake and grass and very little hay. The hair had a better feel and the condition was excellent They also seemed to hold their condition during and after the storms. The calves would rather graze than eat hay.
There is also a strong indication of lice control. I did not spray my cows or calves this fall and still have not. They don't seem to be getting any lousier, so this must have some effect through the body. I think it is a wonderful thing and would not go through a winter without it on my cattle.
1972-- I first used it on a bloated calf that weighed 400 lbs. It took the bloat out of him. I also had water belly and sickness in calves all winter. I didn't use LS-90 very much that year. I thought it was a gimmick or something.
1973- In the fall, we weaned about 200 calves, trucked them 45 mi. and put them in the corral. I put LS-90 in the tank, for them to water out of all the time while they were in the corral. I noticed they were more quiet and less stress. When the calves were turned out I also kept LS-90 in the tank, but not too consistent, but seemed to have less sickness. I had water-bellied calves for about two weeks and then it seemed to let up. Still, I wasn't sure if this LS-90 was having some effect on the sickness, but indications look so. I kept the calves on it till green grass.
1974-Weaned calves in Nov. I started them on LS-90 in corral and kept it in the tank, I was more consistent in keeping it in their drinking water. I had very little sickness and only two water-bellied calves. Looks real good, I got more interested in it. My vet bill and antibiotic bill was less. We turned the yearlings out that we wintered on LS-90 out to grass May 1, 1973. They grew and seemed to do better. Several ranchers also remarked that they looked and had done better than any yearlings I had before.
We trailed the yearlings home the 15 day of Nov., 1975; came 35 mi. in one day, due to a storm forecast. In December 1975 (we) went and put LS-90 in 23 tons of cattle cake. They made and delivered it. I started to feed the yearlings this cake. We fed them 12 days on cake. (Friends) asked if they could butcher one of these steers. I took two average steers to the corral. We fed them two lbs. of cake a day and 5 oz of LS-90 in the water for eight days. These steers had nothing but hay, they have never had any grain. These two steer were fed LS-90 cake twelve days in the pasture and eight days in the corral, and then were butchered. We took one to Black Hills Pack, I butchered the other at home and gave it to a neighbor. Data on the steer at Black Hills Pack is attached. The neighbor that got the other steer said he never ate any meat any more tender than this was. These cattle went through two storms in December and Jan., so were not on the gain side. I also ate some and this was true.
We had four more 23 ton loads of cake made with LS-90. My brother-in-law got one, (another friend) got one, and we got two. Indications of utilization through droppings in 12 to 17 days; hair-coat and condition appearance very good. We have all our cattle on LS-90 cake and also in the water. Seems to better utilization of the grass and hay they eat There is also an indication they are getting the minerals out of the grass and hay, because they have cut down on the consumption of their mineral intake.
There is also a strong indication of lice control on these cattle that have been on LS-90 cake and LS-90 water. Seems to be putting something in the hair or system that the lice don't like. I believe that this could have a very good effect on new-born calves and also in the breeding cycle of the cattle; there are many possibilities and no bad reactions of any kind. Any time I give an antibiotic injection, I also give 20 to 40 ccs of LS-90 at the same time. I believe it makes the antibiotics more effective. I have used it as a drench for scours in calves with good results. It is also very effective on sore-teated cows in the spring of the year. It seems to me, there are unlimited uses of this in the cattle industry.
"We also gave some LS-90 to one bunch of 100 pigs and compared them with a bunch of 80 pigs that didn't get it We gave it to them through their feed. We mixed one ounce of concentrate (LS-90) to a gallon of water, and then put a gallon of that mixture into each two tons of feed. Just added in with a sprinkling can as we ground the feed. The feed was ground shell corn, mineral and soybean meal. The pigs that got the LS-90 weighed six pounds apiece more than the other bunch when we took both bunches to market. But they were in different barns, so conditions weren't exactly the same so it doesn't really prove anything. However, I plan to use the water this way again."
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