On this page we have three different test results. One on a Stucco building, one on a brick block building, and one the military did on a rocket system (to give you an idea of the many different uses for insuladd).

raising the bar on insulation

The Military Tests Insuladd


SUBJECT: Letter Report for Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) M270 Launcher Solar Radiation Test

Test Data Results Provided by:
Climatic Test Branch
Environmental Test Division
Redstone Technical Test Center
8 Oct 99
W. Byam 6-0591

1. Solar radiation tests were conducted by Climatic Test Branch (CTB) at Building 7290 from September 29, to October 6, 1999. These tests were conducted to determine the effectiveness of a paint additive applied to the cab section of the launcher. Mr. Steve Bramlett, MLRS Project Office, requested the tests.

2. High cab temperatures have been experienced during days with bright sunlight or high solar irradiance; the cab is not air-conditioned. The paint additive, Insuladd, has been proposed by a local vendor to lower cab temperatures. This paint additive increases the resistance to heat transfer on the surface its applied to; the improvement being primarily to reduce the effects of radiant energy.

3. The launcher is too large for this chamber to conduct a standard MIL-STD-810 solar radiation test. However the objective was to determine the effectiveness of the paint additive on the cab area. To accomplish the objective two launchers were subjected to identical solar loading over a two day period. Launcher, S/N 4AA00481, had been painted using Insuladd and launcher, S/N 4AA00222, was not.

Note: The irradiance level in the solar chamber is normally varied by raising and lowering the light bank. This was not possible because of the height of the launcher. With the light bank at its highest point, the lights were only 30 inches above the cab!

4. For the first day the launchers were in the operational configuration with the blast shields in place and were exposed to a MIL-STD-810 daily solar radiation cycle. On the second day the blast shields were lowered and windows opened and the launchers were exposed to three hours of maximum solar radiation. Thermocouples were placed on the outside and inside of the cab in various locations, see enclosed photographs. The enclosed plots are arranged to compare the temperatures during the test at the following locations:

  • Commanders side overhead
  • Drivers side overhead
  • Air in the cab

5. At every location monitored the cab painted with Insuladd had lower temperatures during the test. On the first day temperatures in the cab peaked at 131.7 F in the launcher with the paint additive and 137.8 F for the other launcher. On the second day the cab temperature peaked at 97.7 F and 100.5 F.

End of Report

raising the bar on insulation

These last temperatures reflect the fact that the air temperature outside and inside the cab was almost the same due to the fact that the blast shields were lowered and the windows were open.

SUMMARY: The launchers almost completely filled the solar chambers. It is believed that much more dramatic results would show from the use of Insuladd if the chamber was larger or if the tests was conducted in a natural outdoor environment.

It makes you think. If Insuladd works this well in a dark colored paint in an extremely hostile environment just imagine how well it works with lighter colored paints and in a more normal environment!

raising the bar on insulation

Insuladd Test Data
Cement Block Walls

Insuladd test: Cement block walls of identical duplexes.
Test: September 17th, 1998
Location: Orlando, Florida
Structure: Identical cement block
2 bedroom/1 bath duplex apartments.
No A/C running.

Time of day:










Outside air temp.
in Deg. F
73 77 84 87 91 93 92 88 86
Outside wall
with Insuladd
75 77 84 88 89 89 89 85 84
Outside wall
without Insuladd
80 91 98 102 104 107 105 103 101
Inside wall
with Insuladd
73 74 76 79 82 85 84 79 76
Inside wall
without Insuladd
73 76 81 86 90 92 91 87 82
Outside wall
5 14 14 14 15 18 16 18 17
Inside wall
0 2 5 7 8 7 7 7 6

Summary: The use of Insuladd appears to be an effective way to decrease the heat transfer (heat flow) through the walls of a building. The energy cost reduction potential for this material is worthy of consideration for residential and commercial structures.

Test supervisor: Clem Hawkins
Test validated: 9/18/98

raising the bar on insulation

Insuladd Test Data Stucco Walls

Insuladd test: Evaluation of Insuladd for wall applications: Stucco Walls

Test: June 14th, 1997
Location: Ft. Pierce, FL.
Clear and sunny with a temperature of 91 deg. F at 1:00 PM.

Structure: 2 identical free standing rental apartments. One structure had stucco walls painted with a regular off white house paint and the other structure had stucco walls painted with the same paint with Insuladd added to it as per manufacturers directions. Wall insulation of the structures was verified to be of the same type and rating.


Painted stucco wall

Insuladd painted stucco wall

Outside wall surface temperature in direct sunlight: 114 deg. F 92 deg. F
Interior wall surface temperature. (sun bearing side of structure with A/C set at 72 deg. F ) 83 deg. F 76 deg. F

Summary: The use of Insuladd in the paint applied to the exterior wall of the subject residence showed a marked drop in the measured heat influx into the structure. The resulting difference in the interior wall surface temperatures registered between the Insuladd painted wall compared to the standard painted wall was 7 deg. F in this test. This temperature difference equates to a relatively substantial increase in the energy efficiency of the structure painted with Insuladd.

Test supervisor: Clem Hawkins
Test validated: 6/20/97

raising the bar on insulation

raising the bar on insulation

INSULADD gives paint unique energy savings properties that resist and reflect heat while dissipating it. The hollow ceramic microspheres reflective quality affects the warming phenomenon called "Mean Radiant Temperature," where heat waves from a source such as direct sunlight cause a person to feel warmer even though the actual air temperature is no different between a shady and sunny location. It is the molecular friction within the skin caused by the sun's radiant energy waves which makes the body feel warmer.

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Insuladd can reduce
heating & A/C bills 40%!

Don't just paint when now you can INSULATE!

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